The number of people in the world who are elderly is growing, and the world is getting older. This means that the number of people who are suffering from presbyopia is also increasing. Many people think that presbyopia is a common condition and that it is no big deal. This is not true. Therefore, today we will discuss the dangers of presbyopia and what we should do to treat it.


The dangers of presbyopia


Presbyopia is a natural part of the aging process that everyone goes through. If you don't take presbyopia seriously, it could have a serious impact on your life.

Presbyopia makes it harder to see and prevents you from doing things you used to be able to do easily, like reading and doing crafts. At the same time, your eyes get tired, dry, and even painful more easily than when they were healthy.

Presbyopia might make it harder for you to fall asleep and easier to wake up. You'll feel tired more easily.

Even worse, presbyopia can also lead to other eye and systemic diseases, such as dry eye, cataracts, and cardiovascular disease.


The treatment of presbyopia


Use your eyes reasonably. In your daily life, give your eyes a rest and look at the distant scenery. Playing sports such as badminton or table tennis is good for your eyes.

Choose the right reading glasses. The most important thing is to choose the right prescription. You can seek the help of a professional ophthalmologist. Meanwhile, more powerful reading glasses such as blue light blocking glasses, sun reading glasses and photochromic reading glasses are available in the market. You can purchase them according to your needs.

Surgery. Surgery is recommended for older presbyopes, especially those with cataracts.


As we get older, it's important to pay more attention to protecting our eyes and wearing reading glasses properly.

Eyecedar has a great selection of high-quality, stylish reading glasses with custom lenses that can be tailored to suit your lifestyle and work needs.