Mobile phones, computers, televisions - it is hard to avoid using electronic screens these days. Eye problems caused by staring at screens for long periods of time are also common. Dry eye is a very typical eye condition.



What is dry eyes?


Dry eye is not just a lack of water. The surface of our eyeballs is covered by a tear film that protects our eyes and helps us to see clearly. The presence of dry eye means that the tear film is incomplete - there is a lack of tears or the nutrients in the tears are not plentiful enough. As a result, the most noticeable symptom of the loss of tear protection is dry eyes. Eye fatigue, foreign body sensation, burning, eye pain and photophobia are also symptoms that often plague dry eye sufferers. The eye discomfort associated with dry eye can also affect the quality of our sleep, and studies have shown that this can lead to anxiety and depression. Worse still, if left untreated,

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